Gynecologic Health

  • I'm what? 
  • ​​​​Menstrual issues
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) evaluation, testing and treatment
  • Contraception counseling and prescriptions  
    • Oral contraceptive pills, vaginal rings, patches, depo-provera injections*
    • We do not place IUDs or Nexplanon, but referral is available
  • Emergency Contraception
  • Pregnancy testing and referrals for management (pregnancy care and abortion)
  • Annual/”Well Women” exams including Pap testing
  • Referrals to gynecology for IUDs/Nexplanon, and complex gynecological problems

*SHIP provides certain medications like contraception and emergency contraception at no cost. More information can be found online via Aetna. Please make an appointment to obtain a prescription.

Emergency Contraception (AKA "Plan B")

Emergency contraception (AKA “Plan B”) is available for purchase in vending machines in District House (B2 Basement Level, behind the stairs) and in West Hall (Basement Level, turn right at the bottom of the stairs). 
The SHC continues to offer appointments with an SHC provider or with TimelyCare to obtain emergency contraception prescriptions for students who do not have access to these vending machines.  Emergency contraception is available with a prescription at no cost for students with Aetna SHIP.
EC is also available at local convenience stores and pharmacies over-the-counter. Here is what you should know before taking this medication:

Levonorgestrel, the generic name for emergency contraception, is an over the counter medication that can be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy.  The pregnancy rate is 2.6% after taking levonorgestrel as directed.  It is also moderately effective if used within 5 days of unprotected sexual intercourse.  This medication may not work as well in individuals who have a Body Mass Index of > 30.  If your BMI is over 30, a prescription medication may be a better option.

You should not take levonorgestrel if you are allergic to this medication.

Levonorgestrel may interact with other medications that you might be taking.  Please check with your medical provider if you have any questions about potential interactions.

Levonorgestrel works by thickening cervical mucus which prevents sperm movement and survival, by inhibition of ovulation, and by altering the endometrium to prevent implantation.

A pregnancy test is NOT required prior to taking levonorgestrel.

Levonorgestrel should not be used for routine contraception and is not effective in terminating existing pregnancies.

Routine contraception may be started immediately after taking levonorgestrel, however a barrier method is needed for 7 days.

If you would like to speak to a medical provider about taking emergency contraception, or if you would like to start routine contraception after taking emergency contraception, please contact:

  • 202-994-5300 to speak with a medical provider during the Student Health Center’s normal business hours, or
  • 202-994-5300 to speak with a nurse triage line for after hours advice, or
  • Make a free telehealth appointment with a clinician through TimelyCare 24/7 to discuss your concerns.  Instructions on how to use TimelyCare are available online.
  • Check with your insurance for OB/GYN practices in the area who accept your insurance.  SHC can send you a list of local providers who take Aetna, as well as many other insurance plans.  You would need to check with your insurance for coverage.


Local Pregnancy Resources

The SHC refers to local OB/GYN specialists for pregnancy care, whether a student is seeking expectant management or whether a student chooses to have an abortion.

We encourage students to call the SHC for guidance. Clinicians are available to speak to you by telephone, by telehealth or in person, at no cost. An SHC clinician is able to help you coordinate your care in a timely manner. We recommend reaching out to CAPS to provide additional resources to support your mental health.

Washington, D.C.



Financial Support

DC Abortion Fund

National Network of Abortion Funds

National Abortion Federation Hotline, has limited financial assistance available

Mental Health Support